You is Kind

You ever have one of those days where you feel like you can’t win? Today was one of those days for me. Things outside of my control really tried to get me down but I managed to shake it off.

It was a good day; I got a lot done with work. finished up an illustration project that I’m excited about (and will share with you guys soon). This quote from The Help kept popping into my head. (Bee tee dubs can you believe that movie is 8 years old?!) .

Here are the individual drawings, if you’re into that sort of thing. :)

The weekend begins tomorrow, loves! I’m all in for that ish. I have a couple posts in the works for this weekend, so I’ll talk to you soon!

Officially Live!

After drawing my butt off and wrangling some code, the site is finally somewhat ready-ish. It’s come a long way. I’m a virgo and I live up to the perfectionist stereotype in spades. My to-do list is still mighty long. But I have a couple exciting opportunities in the pipe that have accelerated things on the creative front.

So, take a look around, kick the wheels, take ‘er for a test drive. I’m excited to share this space with you guys. More to come!