Lady Liberty: Sketchbook to Final

I spent some time working in my sketchbook over the weekend. My sketchbooks are like a journal for me; I usually sketch from current events. This little page about NYC was one of 5 spreads I completed yesterday. This was illustrated by using Copic Multiliners in Sepia for the line work and Copic markers for color.

Last night I decided to digitize the Lady Liberty part of the spread. This was illustrated in Procreate on my 12” iPad Pro.

Disney Advice

Guys! I’m in the early stages of planning our first trip to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando and I am PUMPED AF.

In my 39 years on this planet, I’ve never been to Disney World. My nugget is finally at an age (and height) where he can do a busy day in a park, ride all of the rides and really enjoy the experience. So we are planning our first trip now. We’re looking at going in the off season of next year (but before hurricane season kicks into high gear).

So my question: looking at all of the information online is daunting. If you’ve been to Disney and the Wizarding World, what are your must-see attractions? We’ll be in Orlando for a full week so we aren’t rushed visiting all of the parks and seeing the sights. What should we cram into that week?

This trip is going to be even more special because, after 9 years of trying, my kiddo is FINALLY obsessed with Harry Potter. We just finished Chamber of Secrets and we’re starting The Prisoner of Azkaban. He set a goal to finish all seven books before we visit the Wizarding World because he’s worried about spoilers. As a long-time Potterhead, it’s so cool to be able to his love for the series growing with each book. So I know we’ll spend a good amount of time (and too much money) at the park.

So lay it on my guys! Share your expertise. Help us avoid the noob mistakes. I’m counting on you.

Don't Forget About Christmas!

I have a few more slots available for these custom mixed-media portraits. They make a great Christmas present! As a reminder, 100% of the proceeds go to benefit my sister’s family. They are about $2,000 short of their goal for Grayson’s memorial, so every penny helps.

Here are a few examples of the portraits I’ve made so far. I can’t share them all because Santa told me some had to be kept secret until December 26th. :)

Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. I know we can get across the finish line and help complete Grayson’s memorial together.

Friendly Monster: Loch Ness Monster

Every year when #inktober rolls around, I tell myself I’m *really* going to do it this year. And, every year, I get busy and do one or two illustrations - and never in ink. 😂 I can’t commit to posting a new drawing every day because, well, life. But I’ve been wanting to do a series of friendly monsters for awhile now and what better time? Starting off with Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. .