Disney Advice

Guys! I’m in the early stages of planning our first trip to Disney World and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando and I am PUMPED AF.

In my 39 years on this planet, I’ve never been to Disney World. My nugget is finally at an age (and height) where he can do a busy day in a park, ride all of the rides and really enjoy the experience. So we are planning our first trip now. We’re looking at going in the off season of next year (but before hurricane season kicks into high gear).

So my question: looking at all of the information online is daunting. If you’ve been to Disney and the Wizarding World, what are your must-see attractions? We’ll be in Orlando for a full week so we aren’t rushed visiting all of the parks and seeing the sights. What should we cram into that week?

This trip is going to be even more special because, after 9 years of trying, my kiddo is FINALLY obsessed with Harry Potter. We just finished Chamber of Secrets and we’re starting The Prisoner of Azkaban. He set a goal to finish all seven books before we visit the Wizarding World because he’s worried about spoilers. As a long-time Potterhead, it’s so cool to be able to his love for the series growing with each book. So I know we’ll spend a good amount of time (and too much money) at the park.

So lay it on my guys! Share your expertise. Help us avoid the noob mistakes. I’m counting on you.

Don't Spoil the Movie

GUSYS! Who’s stoked about Avengers: Endgame? THIS GUY! This is the climax that the Marvel cinematic universe has been building towards since Iron Man was released in 2008.

I couldn’t make it to theaters tonight to see Endgame so, from all of us seeing it tomorrow, please don’t be a dirtbag and spoil the ending. THXLUVUBYE.

LEt’s Get Wild

Officially booked my first camping trip of the spring! ⛺️ I haven’t been camping in YEARS, guys! Any tips or tricks? Is it possible to be in nature without nature being there? Cause bugs and snakes are not okay. Made this illo while finishing up an audiobook tonight.

Happy Friday eve, friends! Talk to you soon!

Commissioned Portrait: Carlos & Derek

Guys! This commission was so much fun to work on and I’ve had the hardest time not sharing it with you sooner. But, you know, it’s apparently bad form to spoil surprises. Derek reached out to me and asked me to work on a portrait as a gift to Carlos for their anniversary. I think it turned out pretty cute. :)

When I do commissioned portraits, you get the digital copies of the final piece to share on social media,. but I also provide high-quality fine art prints of your piece on archival paper. Here’s the final portrait printed 12x12.

Working digitally is my jam, but I sure do love seeing a finished illustration printed off. I think it helps show some of the detail work that might be overlooked on a screen. You can also visit this piece in my portfolio.

Happy anniversary, Carlos & Derek! Thank you for thinking of me and letting me have a small part in celebrating your day! Here’s to many more.