Ready for Summer

Hi friends! It’s a typical spring here in Oklahoma, which means a lot of rain! I can’t help but daydream about the sunny days of summer ahead. I surprised my kiddo again this year with Safari Joe’s season passes, so we’ll be spending a lot of time at the waterpark this summer.

Here’s my summer goals:

Except maybe add a frozen margarita in every now and again,

Game of Thrones Season 8

Are you guys still reeling from last night’s Game of Thrones episode like I am? Whew! It’s been on my mind all day, so I had to draw this Weirwood tree as a tribute to an epic send off to some of our favorite characters (no spoilers please). I’ve loved this show for 8 years mainly because you never know what to expect from these characters we’ve grown to love and loathe in equal parts. I can’t wait to see how they bring this journey to an end. 

…and once more, with feeling…

Don't Spoil the Movie

GUSYS! Who’s stoked about Avengers: Endgame? THIS GUY! This is the climax that the Marvel cinematic universe has been building towards since Iron Man was released in 2008.

I couldn’t make it to theaters tonight to see Endgame so, from all of us seeing it tomorrow, please don’t be a dirtbag and spoil the ending. THXLUVUBYE.