Don't Spoil the Movie

GUSYS! Who’s stoked about Avengers: Endgame? THIS GUY! This is the climax that the Marvel cinematic universe has been building towards since Iron Man was released in 2008.

I couldn’t make it to theaters tonight to see Endgame so, from all of us seeing it tomorrow, please don’t be a dirtbag and spoil the ending. THXLUVUBYE.

LEt’s Get Wild

Officially booked my first camping trip of the spring! ⛺️ I haven’t been camping in YEARS, guys! Any tips or tricks? Is it possible to be in nature without nature being there? Cause bugs and snakes are not okay. Made this illo while finishing up an audiobook tonight.

Happy Friday eve, friends! Talk to you soon!

National Unicorn Day

Happy National Unicorn Day guys! I’ve never drawn a unicorn before (and perhaps it should have stayed that way). 😆🤷🏼‍♂️ It’s been a minute since I’ve posted so I just wanted to stop in and say that you’re magical and your butt looks great in those jeans. Sending you all love!