Things I Like

When you’re spending the day at home with a sleepy and sick little guy, you get some extra time to sit around and doodle. These are a few of my favorite things. :)

Some jeans, a Steven Universe tee, a belt, my sketchbook, my pouch of sketching supplies and my Apple Watch. All things that I love.

And, with that, I’m off to sleep!

Everything Stays

This one goes out to the warriors committed to their personal growth and development. This is a season of growth in my life, but it’s about important, subtle changes to how I think, the way I manage stress, how I view myself those around me.

“Everything stays, but it still changes.” Thank you, Rebecca Sugar for giving us Steven Universe; there’s always a life lesson to be found in your sweet show.

Old Stuff: Return of the Hostas

In the spring of 2015, we put in a flower bed in front of our house. Since the front of our house was mostly shaded by a gigantic Oak tree, we were limited on what we could plant in the bed. We settled on mostly Hostas with a few other shade-lovin’ buddies mixed in.

The next spring, after a late snow, little green Hosta leaves started popping up through the mulch. I was thrilled. I was jazzed to see that some of our Hostas had survived the winter, but it also was the first sign that winter was ending and spring was coming soon.

No need to adjust your dial; I had bleached my hair and dyed it gray around the time of this illustration.

This little baby was drawn in my trusty Pentallic Traveler Sketchbook. It’s lined with a Prismacolor Fine Liner (it worked fine but it’s not my favorite) and painted with various shades of Copic markers. The background color is my favorite go-to shade for my sketchbook settings: Tea Green by Winsor Newton Promarkers.