Windy Wednesday

Hi Friends! It’s been another super busy week around here, so I’m sorry I haven’t checked in sooner. The weather in Oklahoma is legit cray too; it’s been two days of rain. Now that it’s cleared off, we are basically living in a wind tunnel now. We’re getting consistent gusts of 40-50 MPH and it’s just nutty!

I had some time to doodle in my sketchbook last night. Here’s what I made while watching The Order on Netflix (the show is pretty bad - I can’t recommend it).

I’m in the process of taking this into Procreate on my iPad Pro for a final/animated version, so I’m sure I’ll be back to share more about it soon! Hope your week is going swimmingly!

Pssst…me again…you can see the digital version here.

Website Illustrations

While I’m working on standing up my new site, I’ve been churning out a lot of small illustrations to use on various pages of the site. I’m saving some of them for the final launch but I thought I’d share a few of them here. Some of these are items or symbols of meaningful things. Others are just for fun.

I’m getting more excited for the site with every passing day! It’s coming together and it feels very me. Can’t wait to share the final version with you guys SOON!