
This #10yearchallenge tag has been all over my instagram and Facebook the past few days. When I opened my Timehop today, and saw the picture below, I figured I’d jump on the wagon!

Here’s me on November 21, 2009 (left) and today, November 21, 2019 (right). Still love a vest moment, still love my autumnal colors and still hate having sleeves around my wrists.

Oh, the things I’d say if could go back in time and talk to that chubby goober on the left.

Things like…Why are your glasses so small? Undershirts are for old men and heavy sweaters; it doesn’t make it better just because it matches.

We’ve kiki’d about my focus on fitness (my bestie dubbed it “Fine by Forty” this week) and this kind of dovetails in there. I see these older pictures of me and I see someone who needs to take better care of himself in many ways. I still have a long way to go, but I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished. I’m rolling into 2020, and year forty, as the best version of me yet.

Life is good.