Meet the Artist

Hi there. This post is about me because I always love the #meettheartist posts but I’ve never taken the time to do one. Until now! You’re welcome. 😂

LIKES: RAISING DION is my current favorite Netflix binge. JENNY LEWIS is playing Tulsa this week and I can’t wait to see her! SWEATER WEATHER who remembers that SNL skit? So glad it’s finally here tho. WORKING ON MY HOUSE has been a constant theme lately. I’ve put in a gravel patio and now I’m doing a hand-poured cement border around the patio and paths. Fall is the time for WEEKEND TRIPS with the people you love (and like). TEA & A BOOK my favorite part of the season: curling up under a blanket on these cool, rainy days with a glass of tea and escaping into a book. .

DON’T LIKES: I love going to the gym but I loathe LEG DAY even though these legs are fire. Never liked ONIONS on about anything; even worse when they are surprise onions. Tagging on to my likes above, the worst part of reading is the END OF A GOOD BOOK. And, in general, not a huge fan of PEOPLE WHO ARE JERKS.